Pass Creek

Access: Pass Creek may be accessed off Highway 50 west of Poncha Springs. Take CR 210 south up Little Cochatopa Creek. In a short distance (2 miles) CR 212 branches off to the west or right off 210. It is marked with a sign saying Pass Creek. Follow this road up to a cattle guard with a wide spot for parking on the left.

Continue up this road west bound, There is an old fence line with a rough road to the right which goes straight up the hill to an old windmill. If you know where to find it, there is one of the states largest Douglass Fir Trees growing in a hidden recess around there. It is a very impressive sight and makes for a good side trip.

Follow the main road 2.25 miles up to an old mine and building site. The trailhead starts here and is quite steep in places and very rocky near the top. At the top you come to Pass Creek Lake, very near tree line and teaming with brook trout.

Pass Creek Lake is about 6 miles from the cattle guard parking.
